(Quick Reference)

2 Usage - Reference Documentation

Authors: Lim Chee Kin

Version: 1.4.4

2 Usage

This section describes the usage of the jQuery Validation UI plugin.

2.1 Configuration

After the plugin installed into your project, the following configurations will be appended to your project's Config.groovy file:

// Added by the JQuery Validation UI plugin:
jqueryValidationUi {
        errorClass = 'error'
        validClass = 'valid'
        onsubmit = true
        renderErrorsOnTop = false

qTip { packed = true classes = 'ui-tooltip-red ui-tooltip-shadow ui-tooltip-rounded' }

/* Grails constraints to JQuery Validation rules mapping for client side validation. Constraint not found in the ConstraintsMap will trigger remote AJAX validation. */ StringConstraintsMap = [ blank:'required', // inverse: blank=false, required=true creditCard:'creditcard', email:'email', inList:'inList', minSize:'minlength', maxSize:'maxlength', size:'rangelength', matches:'matches', notEqual:'notEqual', url:'url', nullable:'required', unique:'unique', validator:'validator' ]

// Long, Integer, Short, Float, Double, BigInteger, BigDecimal NumberConstraintsMap = [ min:'min', max:'max', range:'range', notEqual:'notEqual', nullable:'required', inList:'inList', unique:'unique', validator:'validator' ]

CollectionConstraintsMap = [ minSize:'minlength', maxSize:'maxlength', size:'rangelength', nullable:'required', validator:'validator' ]

DateConstraintsMap = [ min:'minDate', max:'maxDate', range:'rangeDate', notEqual:'notEqual', nullable:'required', inList:'inList', unique:'unique', validator:'validator' ]

ObjectConstraintsMap = [ nullable:'required', validator:'validator' ]

CustomConstraintsMap = [ phone:'true', phoneUS:'true' ] }

The section above is configuration items of the JQuery Validation UI plugin:

  • errorClass - This class used by JQuery Validation library to create error labels, to look for existing error labels and to add it to invalid elements.
  • validClass - This class is added to an element by JQuery Validation library after it was validated and considered valid.
  • onsubmit = true|false - Default is true. JQuery Validation library validates the form on submit. Set to false to use only other events for validation. The following code trigger validation and submit the form if all inputs are valid:

if ($('form:first').validate().form()) {
  • renderErrorsOnTop = true|false - Default is false. Validation messages will display on the right of input element. Set to true to display all validation messages on the top of the form.
  • qTip.packed = true|false - Default is true. Set to false to view a readable .js file for development purpose.
  • qTip.classes - Specify the styles of qTip. Refer to qTip style documentation.

errorContainer, errorLabelContainer, errorElement, errorWrapper(wrapper), highlight, unhighlight, onkeyup and qtip configuration items supported since 1.3 released. The added configuration items in version 1.3 except qtip have equivalent options of the JavaScript validate method. Please refer to the validate options documentation for more information.

The qtip configuration item is added to enabled or disabled the display of error message as qtip. qtip is disabled (qtip = false) by default to support non-obtrusive error message display and to make it possible to use the plugin in mobile HTML5 application.

Client side validation enabled by JQuery Validation using Constraints Map, these Constraints Maps specify how Grails constraints map to JQuery Validation rules such as StringConstraintsMap, NumberConstraintsMap, CollectionConstraintsMap, DateConstraintsMap and ObjectConstraintsMap (ObjectConstraintsMap is catch-all map if the property is not belongs to any other Constraints Maps). Refer to JQuery Validation documentation for built-in validation rules supported by the library and additional rules written for this plugin.

CustomConstraintsMap configuration supported since 1.1 released. If previous version of the plugin was installed, upgrade to 1.1 version will not update your Config.groovy file, please update it manually. Please see Extensibility in the features section for more information.

2.2 Resources Plugin Modules

This plugin is integrated with the Grails resources plugin by providing a single module definition. This may be used by using the <r:require /> tag from the resources plugin in your page that uses the validation tags:

<r:require modules="jquery-validation-ui" />

This correctly inserts all the CSS and javascript required to use this plugin.

2.3 Tags

The tags available for use with this plugin are listed in the right-hand side Quick Reference menu under "Tags". See the items there for more information. In particular, see the documentation on the renderValidationScript tag.

2.4 Features

Supports All Standard Grails Constraints

As you can see in the StringConstraintsMap, all standard Grails constraints are supported by the plugin.

Display Validation Messages on Right or Top

Display on right:

Display on top:

Note: To see the message style like the screen above, you need to edit line 109 of web-app/css/main.css as per following code:

div.errors {
    margin: 10px 0 5px 0;
    padding: 5px 0 5px 0;

Otherwise, you will see the message style like the screen below:


Together with the custom constraints plugin, the plugin is fully extensible with your own custom validation logic.

The plugin come with 2 custom constraints, phone and phoneUS (International and US phone number validation) which enabled by the following configuration:

CustomConstraintsMap = [

If you implement new custom constraints (both server-side and Javascript), you can enable it by adding the constraints to the CustomConstraintsMap, for example:

CustomConstraintsMap = [
    yourCustomConstraint:'Javascript Code'
The 'Javascript Code' is Javascript code specific to your custom constraints. This will be rendered by <jqvalui:renderValidationScript /> tag. Please refer to source code of the server-side implementation of phone constraint here and the client-side implementation here (scroll down to bottom, the last method) to see how it was implemented.

Internationalization Support

All client-side validation messages retrieve from messages.properties. So, both client-side and server-side validation using the same message bundle. The plugin retrieve the validation message with following codes from top to bottom:


If it is not found, it will use the default message.

Type Validation Support

The plugin supports type validation for Date, Long, Integer, Short, BigInteger, Float, Double, and BigDecimal and retrieves the corresponding validation message from messages.properties file by using the following message codes:
